Tips 11-20

11. Tree Of Wisdom gives you different tips when you feed it
11. Tree Of Wisdom memberi saran berbeda ketika kamu memberinya makan

12. Plant Sprouts and Marigold Sprouts are alike, but there's a small differences about their petals.
12. Plant Sprout, dan Marigold Sprouts sangat mirip. Namun, ada perbedaan kecil tentang kelopaknya

13. Plants in Zen Garden, Mushroom Garden, and Aquatic Garden will produce gold or silver coins.
13. Tumbuhan di Zen Garden, Mushroom Garden, dan Aquatic Garden akan memproduksi koin emas atau perak.

14. Snorkel zombies can be hit by plants with 'catapult' ability
14. Snorkel zombies bisa terkena oleh tumbuhan berkemampuan 'ketapel'

15. Sometimes, Tree Of Wisdom will gives you cheats if it reach some feet tall
15. Terkadang, Tree Of Wisdom akan memberikan cheat jika mencapai ketinggian beberapa kaki