Now The Plantagon Is Night...

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Name: Puff Shroom
Nama: Puff Shroom

Ability: spore shooter, sleeps during day
Kemampuan: penembak spora, tidur di siang hari

Range: ground, short (1/5 of the whole lawn)
Daerah: ground, pendek (1/5 dari seluruh taman)

Recharge: fast
Pengisian: cepat

Puff Shroom may not have a big range, but mushrooms grow well at night. Shoots spore in limited range may useless against strong zombies, but it is quite effective against weak zombies.
Puff Shroom boleh tidak memiliki daerah yang luas. Tetapi, jamur tumbuh baik di malam hari. Menembak spora dalam daerah terbatas tidak akan berguna dalam melawan zombi yang kuat. Namun, cukup efektif dalam melawan zombi lemah.

code: Night1


Name: Sun-Shroom
Nama: Sun-Shroom

Ability: time to grow, sun producer, sleep during day
Kemampuan: waktu tumbuh, penghasil matahari, tidur di siang hari.

Recharge: fast
Pengisian: cepat

Sun Produced: baby = 15, adult = 25
Produksi Matahari: bayi = 15, dewasa = 25

Sun Shroom will produces sun as much as Sunflower. It takes time to reach adult, and as long as it is baby, it will produces smaller amount of sun.
Sun Shroom akan memproduksi matahari sebanyak Sunflower. Membutuhkan waktu untuk mencapai dewasa, dan selama ia masih bayi, ia akan memproduksi jumlah matahari yang lebih sedikit.

code: Night2


Name: Fume-Shroom
Nama: Fume-Shroom

Ability: fume producer, sleeps during day
Kemampuan: penembak asap, tidur di siang hari

Range: ground, medium (1/3 of the whole lawn)
Daerah: tanah, medium (1/3 dari seluruh taman)

Recharge: fast
Pengisian: cepat

This plant puts out a bad fume that can go through screen doors, ladders, and other things zombies defend themselves with.
Tanaman ini mengeluarkan asap bau yang dapat menembus pintu, tangga, dan benda benda pertahanan zombi lainnya.

code: Night3

Grave Buster

Name: Grave Buster
Nama: Grave Buster

Ability: grave removal, single use
Kemampuan: penyingkiran kuburan, sekali pakai

Range: on a grave
Daerah: di atas kuburan

Recharge: fast
Pengisian: cepat

Grave Buster is the only night plant that actives in the day or night. It can removes, and should be planted on the graves
Grave Buster adalah satu satunya tumbuhan malam yang aktif di siang ataupun malam hari. Ia dapat menghilangkan, dan harus ditanam di atas kuburan.



Name: Hypno Shroom
Nama: Hypno Shroom

Ability: hypnotic, single use, contact, sleep during day
Kemampuan: hipnotis, sekali pakai, kontak, tidur di siang hari

Range: a zombie that step on it
Daerah: zombi yang menginjaknya

Recharge: slow
Pengisian: lama

Hypno Shroom tries to hypnotize zombies. It makes zombie turn around and attack other zombies for you. 
Hypno Shroom mencoba untuk menghipnotis zombi. Membuat zombi berputar balik dan menyerang zombi zombi lainnya.

code: Night5


Name: Scaredy Shroom
Nama: Scaredy Shroom

Ability: gets scared and hides, spore shooter, sleeps during day
Kemampuan: takut dan sembunyi, penembak spora, tidur di siang hari

Range: ground, but not one meter in front of it
Daerah: tanah, tapi bukan satu meter di depannya

Recharge: fast
Pengisian: cepat

As its name suggests, it gets scared and hides when zombies get too close. It shoots spore to the zombies.
Seperti namanya, ia akan takut dan bersembunyi bila zombi terlalu dekat. Menembakan spora.

code: Night6


Name: Ice Shroom
Nama: Ice Shroom

Ability: freeze, single use, instant, sleeps during day
Kemampuan: beku, sekali pakai, instan, tidur di siang hari

Range: all zombies
Daerah: semua zombi

Recharge: slow
Pengisian: lama

Ice Shroom freezes all zombies for 5 seconds or more. After 5 seconds, the whole zombies will walk slower than normal zombies. It can freeze a huge fire balls.
Ice Shroom membekukan semua zombi untuk 5 detik atau lebih. setelah 5 detik, seluruh zombi akan berjalan lebih lambat dari pada zombi normal Ia dapat membekukan bola api besar.

code: Night7


Name: Doom Shroom
Nama: Doom Shroom

Ability: instant, bomb, crater, damages nearby zombies, sleeps during day
Kemampuan: instan, bom, kawah, dampak pada zombi terdekat, tidur di siang hari.

Range: air, ground, and water in large area
Daerah: udara, tanah, dan air dalam area yang luas

Recharge: slow
Pengisiam: lama

Doom Shroom can destroy tons of water, air, and ground types zombies at once - though it leaves behind a crater that you can't plant anything on it.
Doom Shroom bisa menghancurkan banyak zombi dengan tipe air, tanah, udara sekaligus. Ia meninggalkan kawah yang tidak dapat ditanami oleh tumbuhan apapun.

code: Night8